hive.envs.env_spec module

class hive.envs.env_spec.EnvSpec(env_name, observation_space, action_space, env_info=None)[source]

Bases: object

Object used to store information about environment configuration. Every environment should create an EnvSpec object.

  • env_name – Name of the environment

  • observation_space (Union[Space, List[Space]]) – Spaces of observations from environment. This should be a single instance or list of gym.Space, depending on if the environment is multiagent.

  • action_space (Union[Space, List[Space]]) – Spaces of actions expected by environment. This should be a single instance or list of gym.Space, depending on if the environment is multiagent.

  • env_info – Any other info relevant to this environment. This can include items such as random seeds or parameters used to create the environment

property env_name
property observation_space
property action_space
property env_info