Source code for hive.agents.td3

import copy
import os

import gymnasium as gym
import numpy as np
import torch

from hive.agents.agent import Agent
from hive.agents.qnets.base import FunctionApproximator
from hive.agents.qnets.td3_heads import TD3ActorNetwork, TD3CriticNetwork
from hive.agents.qnets.utils import (
from hive.replays import BaseReplayBuffer, CircularReplayBuffer
from hive.utils.loggers import Logger, NullLogger
from hive.utils.schedule import PeriodicSchedule, SwitchSchedule
from hive.utils.utils import LossFn, OptimizerFn, create_folder

[docs]class TD3(Agent): """An agent implementing the TD3 algorithm.""" def __init__( self, observation_space: gym.spaces.Box, action_space: gym.spaces.Box, representation_net: FunctionApproximator = None, actor_net: FunctionApproximator = None, critic_net: FunctionApproximator = None, init_fn: InitializationFn = None, actor_optimizer_fn: OptimizerFn = None, critic_optimizer_fn: OptimizerFn = None, critic_loss_fn: LossFn = None, n_critics: int = 2, stack_size: int = 1, replay_buffer: BaseReplayBuffer = None, discount_rate: float = 0.99, n_step: int = 1, grad_clip: float = None, reward_clip: float = None, soft_update_fraction: float = 0.005, batch_size: int = 64, logger: Logger = None, log_frequency: int = 100, update_frequency: int = 1, policy_update_frequency: int = 2, action_noise: float = 0, target_noise: float = 0.2, target_noise_clip: float = 0.5, min_replay_history: int = 1000, device="cpu", id=0, ): """ Args: observation_space (gym.spaces.Box): Observation space for the agent. action_space (gym.spaces.Box): Action space for the agent. representation_net (FunctionApproximator): The network that encodes the observations that are then fed into the actor_net and critic_net. If None, defaults to :py:class:`~torch.nn.Identity`. actor_net (FunctionApproximator): The network that takes the encoded observations from representation_net and outputs the representations used to compute the actions (ie everything except the last layer). critic_net (FunctionApproximator): The network that takes two inputs: the encoded observations from representation_net and actions. It outputs the representations used to compute the values of the actions (ie everything except the last layer). init_fn (InitializationFn): Initializes the weights of agent networks using create_init_weights_fn. actor_optimizer_fn (OptimizerFn): A function that takes in the list of parameters of the actor returns the optimizer for the actor. If None, defaults to :py:class:`~torch.optim.Adam`. critic_optimizer_fn (OptimizerFn): A function that takes in the list of parameters of the critic returns the optimizer for the critic. If None, defaults to :py:class:`~torch.optim.Adam`. critic_loss_fn (LossFn): The loss function used to optimize the critic. If None, defaults to :py:class:`~torch.nn.MSELoss`. n_critics (int): The number of critics used by the agent to estimate Q-values. The minimum Q-value is used as the value for the next state when calculating target Q-values for the critic. The output of the first critic is used when computing the loss for the actor. For TD3, the default value is 2. For DDPG, this parameter is 1. stack_size (int): Number of observations stacked to create the state fed to the agent. replay_buffer (BaseReplayBuffer): The replay buffer that the agent will push observations to and sample from during learning. If None, defaults to :py:class:`~hive.replays.circular_replay.CircularReplayBuffer`. discount_rate (float): A number between 0 and 1 specifying how much future rewards are discounted by the agent. n_step (int): The horizon used in n-step returns to compute TD(n) targets. grad_clip (float): Gradients will be clipped to between [-grad_clip, grad_clip]. reward_clip (float): Rewards will be clipped to between [-reward_clip, reward_clip]. soft_update_fraction (float): The weight given to the target net parameters in a soft (polyak) update. Also known as tau. batch_size (int): The size of the batch sampled from the replay buffer during learning. logger (Logger): Logger used to log agent's metrics. log_frequency (int): How often to log the agent's metrics. update_frequency (int): How frequently to update the agent. A value of 1 means the agent will be updated every time update is called. policy_update_frequency (int): Relative update frequency of the actor compared to the critic. The actor will be updated every policy_update_frequency times the critic is updated. action_noise (float): The standard deviation for the noise added to the action taken by the agent during training. target_noise (float): The standard deviation of the noise added to the target policy for smoothing. target_noise_clip (float): The sampled target_noise is clipped to [-target_noise_clip, target_noise_clip]. min_replay_history (int): How many observations to fill the replay buffer with before starting to learn. device: Device on which all computations should be run. id: Agent identifier. """ super().__init__(observation_space, action_space, id) self._device = torch.device("cpu" if not torch.cuda.is_available() else device) self._state_size = ( stack_size * self._observation_space.shape[0], *self._observation_space.shape[1:], ) self._action_min = self._action_space.low self._action_max = self._action_space.high self._action_scaling = 0.5 * (self._action_max - self._action_min) self._scale_actions = np.isfinite(self._action_scaling).all() self._action_min_tensor = torch.as_tensor(self._action_min, device=self._device) self._action_max_tensor = torch.as_tensor(self._action_max, device=self._device) self._init_fn = create_init_weights_fn(init_fn) self._n_critics = n_critics self.create_networks(representation_net, actor_net, critic_net) if critic_optimizer_fn is None: critic_optimizer_fn = torch.optim.Adam if actor_optimizer_fn is None: actor_optimizer_fn = torch.optim.Adam self._critic_optimizer = critic_optimizer_fn(self._critic.parameters()) self._actor_optimizer = actor_optimizer_fn(self._actor.parameters()) if replay_buffer is None: replay_buffer = CircularReplayBuffer self._replay_buffer = replay_buffer( observation_shape=self._observation_space.shape, observation_dtype=self._observation_space.dtype, action_shape=self._action_space.shape, action_dtype=self._action_space.dtype, gamma=discount_rate, ) self._discount_rate = discount_rate**n_step self._grad_clip = grad_clip self._reward_clip = reward_clip self._soft_update_fraction = soft_update_fraction if critic_loss_fn is None: critic_loss_fn = torch.nn.MSELoss self._critic_loss_fn = critic_loss_fn(reduction="mean") self._batch_size = batch_size self._logger = logger if self._logger is None: self._logger = NullLogger([]) self._timescale = self._logger.register_timescale( self._timescale, PeriodicSchedule(False, True, log_frequency) ) self._update_schedule = PeriodicSchedule(False, True, update_frequency) self._policy_update_schedule = PeriodicSchedule( False, True, policy_update_frequency ) self._action_noise = action_noise self._target_noise = target_noise self._target_noise_clip = target_noise_clip self._learn_schedule = SwitchSchedule(False, True, min_replay_history) self._training = False
[docs] def create_networks(self, representation_net, actor_net, critic_net): """Creates the actor and critic networks. Args: representation_net: A network that outputs the shared representations that will be used by the actor and critic networks to process observations. actor_net: The network that will be used to compute actions. critic_net: The network that will be used to compute values of state action pairs. """ if representation_net is None: network = torch.nn.Identity() else: network = representation_net(self._state_size) network_output_shape = calculate_output_dim(network, self._state_size) self._actor = TD3ActorNetwork( network, actor_net, network_output_shape, self._action_space.shape, self._scale_actions, ).to(self._device) self._critic = TD3CriticNetwork( network, critic_net, network_output_shape, self._n_critics, self._action_space.shape, ).to(self._device) self._actor.apply(self._init_fn) self._critic.apply(self._init_fn) self._target_actor = copy.deepcopy(self._actor).requires_grad_(False) self._target_critic = copy.deepcopy(self._critic).requires_grad_(False)
[docs] def train(self): """Changes the agent to training mode.""" super().train() self._actor.train() self._critic.train() self._target_actor.train() self._target_critic.train()
[docs] def eval(self): """Changes the agent to evaluation mode.""" super().eval() self._actor.eval() self._critic.eval() self._target_actor.eval() self._target_critic.eval()
[docs] def scale_action(self, actions): """Scales actions to [-1, 1].""" if self._scale_actions: return ((actions - self._action_min) / self._action_scaling) - 1.0 else: return actions
[docs] def unscale_actions(self, actions): """Unscales actions from [-1, 1] to expected scale.""" if self._scale_actions: return ((actions + 1.0) * self._action_scaling) + self._action_min else: return actions
[docs] def preprocess_update_info(self, update_info): """Preprocesses the :obj:`update_info` before it goes into the replay buffer. Scales the action to [-1, 1]. Args: update_info: Contains the information from the current timestep that the agent should use to update itself. """ if self._reward_clip is not None: update_info["reward"] = np.clip( update_info["reward"], -self._reward_clip, self._reward_clip ) preprocessed_update_info = { "observation": update_info["observation"], "next_observation": update_info["next_observation"], "action": self.scale_action(update_info["action"]), "reward": update_info["reward"], "terminated": update_info["terminated"], "truncated": update_info["truncated"], } if "agent_id" in update_info: preprocessed_update_info["agent_id"] = int(update_info["agent_id"]) return preprocessed_update_info
[docs] def preprocess_update_batch(self, batch): """Preprocess the batch sampled from the replay buffer. Args: batch: Batch sampled from the replay buffer for the current update. Returns: (tuple): - (tuple) Inputs used to calculate current state values. - (tuple) Inputs used to calculate next state values - Preprocessed batch. """ for key in batch: batch[key] = torch.tensor(batch[key], device=self._device) return (batch["observation"],), (batch["next_observation"],), batch
[docs] @torch.no_grad() def act(self, observation, agent_traj_state=None): """Returns the action for the agent. If in training mode, adds noise with standard deviation :py:obj:`self._action_noise`. Args: observation: The current observation. agent_traj_state: Contains necessary state information for the agent to process current trajectory. This should be updated and returned. Returns: - action - agent trajectory state """ # Calculate action and add noise if training. observation = torch.tensor( np.expand_dims(observation, axis=0), device=self._device ).float() action = self._actor(observation) if self._training: noise = torch.randn_like(action, requires_grad=False) * self._action_noise action = action + noise action = action.cpu().detach().numpy() if self._scale_actions: action = self.unscale_actions(action) action = np.clip(action, self._action_min, self._action_max) return np.squeeze(action, axis=0), agent_traj_state
[docs] def update(self, update_info, agent_traj_state=None): """ Updates the TD3 agent. Args: update_info: dictionary containing all the necessary information from the environment to update the agent. Should contain a full transition, with keys for "observation", "action", "reward", "next_observation", "terminated", and "truncated agent_traj_state: Contains necessary state information for the agent to process current trajectory. This should be updated and returned. Returns: - action - agent trajectory state """ if not self._training: return # Add the most recent transition to the replay buffer. self._replay_buffer.add(**self.preprocess_update_info(update_info)) # Update the agent based on a sample batch from the replay buffer. if ( self._learn_schedule.update() and self._replay_buffer.size() > 0 and self._update_schedule.update() ): batch = self._replay_buffer.sample(batch_size=self._batch_size) ( current_state_inputs, next_state_inputs, batch, ) = self.preprocess_update_batch(batch) with torch.no_grad(): noise = torch.randn_like(batch["action"]) * self._target_noise noise = torch.clamp( noise, -self._target_noise_clip, self._target_noise_clip ) next_actions = self._target_actor(*next_state_inputs) + noise if self._scale_actions: next_actions = torch.clamp(next_actions, -1, 1) else: next_actions = torch.clamp( next_actions, self._action_min_tensor, self._action_max_tensor ) next_q_vals = self._target_critic(*next_state_inputs, next_actions), dim=1 ) next_q_vals, _ = torch.min(next_q_vals, dim=1, keepdim=True) target_q_values = ( batch["reward"][:, None] + (1 - batch["terminated"][:, None]) * self._discount_rate * next_q_vals ) # Critic losses pred_qvals = self._critic(*current_state_inputs, batch["action"]) critic_loss = sum( [self._critic_loss_fn(qvals, target_q_values) for qvals in pred_qvals] ) self._critic_optimizer.zero_grad() critic_loss.backward() if self._grad_clip is not None: torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_( self._critic.parameters(), self._grad_clip ) self._critic_optimizer.step() if self._logger.update_step(self._timescale): self._logger.log_scalar("critic_loss", critic_loss, self._timescale) # Update policy with policy delay if self._policy_update_schedule.update(): actor_loss = -torch.mean( self._critic.q1( *current_state_inputs, self._actor(*current_state_inputs) ) ) self._actor_optimizer.zero_grad() actor_loss.backward() if self._grad_clip is not None: torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_( self._actor.parameters(), self._grad_clip ) self._actor_optimizer.step() self._update_target() if self._logger.should_log(self._timescale): self._logger.log_scalar("actor_loss", actor_loss, self._timescale) return agent_traj_state
def _update_target(self): """Update the target network.""" for network, target_network in [ (self._actor, self._target_actor), (self._critic, self._target_critic), ]: target_params = target_network.state_dict() current_params = network.state_dict() for key in list(target_params.keys()): target_params[key] = (1 - self._soft_update_fraction) * target_params[ key ] + self._soft_update_fraction * current_params[key] target_network.load_state_dict(target_params)
[docs] def save(self, dname): { "critic": self._critic.state_dict(), "target_critic": self._target_critic.state_dict(), "critic_optimizer": self._critic_optimizer.state_dict(), "actor": self._actor.state_dict(), "target_actor": self._target_actor.state_dict(), "actor_optimizer": self._actor_optimizer.state_dict(), "learn_schedule": self._learn_schedule, "update_schedule": self._update_schedule, "policy_update_schedule": self._policy_update_schedule, }, os.path.join(dname, ""), ) replay_dir = os.path.join(dname, "replay") create_folder(replay_dir)
[docs] def load(self, dname): checkpoint = torch.load(os.path.join(dname, "")) self._critic.load_state_dict(checkpoint["critic"]) self._target_critic.load_state_dict(checkpoint["target_critic"]) self._critic_optimizer.load_state_dict(checkpoint["critic_optimizer"]) self._actor.load_state_dict(checkpoint["actor"]) self._target_actor.load_state_dict(checkpoint["target_actor"]) self._actor_optimizer.load_state_dict(checkpoint["actor_optimizer"]) self._learn_schedule = checkpoint["learn_schedule"] self._update_schedule = checkpoint["update_schedule"] self._policy_update_schedule = checkpoint["policy_update_schedule"] self._replay_buffer.load(os.path.join(dname, "replay"))