
Agent API

Interacting with the agent happens primarily through two functions: agent.act() and agent.update(). agent.act() takes in an observation and returns an action, while agent.update() takes in a dictionary consisting of the information relevant to the most recent transition and updates the agent.

Creating an Agent

Let’s create a new tabular Q-learning agent with discount factor gamma and learning rate alpha, for some environment with one hot observations. We want this agent to have an epsilon greedy policy, with the exploration rate decaying over explore_steps from 1.0 to some value final_epsilon. First, we define the constructor:

import numpy as np
import os

import hive
from hive.agents.agent import Agent
from hive.utils.schedule import LinearSchedule

class TabularQLearningAgent(Agent):
    def __init__(self, obs_dim, act_dim, gamma, alpha, explore_steps, final_epsilon, id=0):
        super().__init__(obs_dim, act_dim, id=id)
        self._q_values = np.zeros(obs_dim, act_dim)
        self._gamma = gamma
        self._alpha = alpha
        self._epsilon_schedule = LinearSchedule(1.0, final_epsilon, explore_steps)

In this constructor, we created a numpy array to keep track of the Q-values for every state-action pair, and a linear decay schedule for the epsilon exploration rate. Next, let’s create the act function:

def act(self, observation):
    # Return a random action if exploring
    if np.random.rand() < self._epsilon_schedule.update():
        return np.random.randint(self._act_dim)
        state = np.argmax(observation) # Convert from one-hot

        # Break ties randomly between all actions with max values
        max_value = np.amax(self._q_values[state])
        best_actions = np.where(self._q_values[state] == max_value)[0]
        return np.random.choice(best_actions)

Now, we write our update function, which updates the state of our agent:

def update(self, update_info):
    state = np.argmax(update_info["observation"])
    next_state = np.argmax(update_info["next_observation"])

    self._q_values[state, update_info["action"]] += self._alpha * (
        + self._gamma * np.amax(self._q_values[next_state])
        - self._q_values[state, action]

Now, we can directly use this environment with the single agent or multi-agent runners. Note act and update are framework agnostic, so you could implement it with any (deep) learning framework, although most of our implemented agents are written in PyTorch.

If we write a save and load function for this agent, we can also take advantage of checkpointing and resuming in the runner:

def save(self, dname):, "qvalues.npy"), self._q_values)
    pickle.dump({"schedule": self._epsilon_schedule}, open("state.p", "wb"))

def load(self, dname):
    self._q_values = np.load(os.path.join(dname, "qvalues.npy"))
    self._epsilon_schedule = pickle.load(open("state.p", "rb"))["schedule"]

Finally, we register our agent class, so that it can be found when setting up experiments through the yaml config files and command line.

hive.registry.register('TabularQLearningAgent', TabularQLearningAgent, Agent)