
We provide two different Runner classes: SingleAgentRunner and MultiAgentRunner. The setup for both Runner classes can be viewed in their respective files with the set_up_experiment() functions. The get_parsed_args() function can be used to get any arguments from the command line are not part of the signatures of already registered RLHive class constructors.

Metrics and TransitionInfo

The Metrics class can be used to keep track of metrics for single/multiple agents across an episode.

# Create the Metrics object. The first set of metrics is individual to
# each agent, the second is common for all agents. The metrics can
# be initialized either with a value or with callable with no arguments
metrics = Metrics(
    [agent1, agent2],
    [("reward", 0), ("episode_traj", lambda: [])],
    [("full_episode_length", 0)],

# Add metrics
metrics[]["reward"] += 1
metrics["full_episode_length"] += 1

# Convert to flat dictionary for easy logging. Adds agent id's as prefixes
# for agent_specific metrics
flat_metrics = metrics.get_flat_dict()

# Reinitialize/reset all metrics

The TransitionInfo class can be used to keep track of the information needed by the agent to construct it’s next state for acting or next transition for updating. It also handles state stacking and padding.

transition_info = TransitionInfo([agent1, agent2], stack_size)

# Set the start flag for agent1.

# Get stacked observation for agent1. If not enough observations have been
# recorded, it will pad with 0s
stacked_observation = transition_info.get_stacked_state(
    agent1, observation

# Record update information about the agent
transition_info.record_info(agent, info)

# Get the update information for the agent, with done set to the value passed
info = transition_info.get_info(agent, done=done)