Source code for hive.replays.circular_replay

import os
import pickle

import numpy as np

from hive.replays.replay_buffer import BaseReplayBuffer
from hive.utils.utils import create_folder, seeder

[docs]class CircularReplayBuffer(BaseReplayBuffer): """An efficient version of a circular replay buffer that only stores each observation once. """ def __init__( self, capacity: int = 10000, stack_size: int = 1, n_step: int = 1, gamma: float = 0.99, observation_shape=(), observation_dtype=np.uint8, action_shape=(), action_dtype=np.int8, reward_shape=(), reward_dtype=np.float32, extra_storage_types=None, num_players_sharing_buffer: int = None, ): """Constructor for CircularReplayBuffer. Args: capacity (int): Total number of observations that can be stored in the buffer. Note, this is not the same as the number of transitions that can be stored in the buffer. stack_size (int): The number of frames to stack to create an observation. n_step (int): Horizon used to compute n-step return reward gamma (float): Discounting factor used to compute n-step return reward observation_shape: Shape of observations that will be stored in the buffer. observation_dtype: Type of observations that will be stored in the buffer. This can either be the type itself or string representation of the type. The type can be either a native python type or a numpy type. If a numpy type, a string of the form np.uint8 or numpy.uint8 is acceptable. action_shape: Shape of actions that will be stored in the buffer. action_dtype: Type of actions that will be stored in the buffer. Format is described in the description of observation_dtype. action_shape: Shape of actions that will be stored in the buffer. action_dtype: Type of actions that will be stored in the buffer. Format is described in the description of observation_dtype. reward_shape: Shape of rewards that will be stored in the buffer. reward_dtype: Type of rewards that will be stored in the buffer. Format is described in the description of observation_dtype. extra_storage_types (dict): A dictionary describing extra items to store in the buffer. The mapping should be from the name of the item to a (type, shape) tuple. num_players_sharing_buffer (int): Number of agents that share their buffers. It is used for self-play. """ self._capacity = capacity self._specs = { "observation": (observation_dtype, observation_shape), "done": (np.uint8, ()), "action": (action_dtype, action_shape), "reward": (reward_dtype, reward_shape), } if extra_storage_types is not None: self._specs.update(extra_storage_types) self._storage = self._create_storage(capacity, self._specs) self._stack_size = stack_size self._n_step = n_step self._gamma = gamma self._discount = np.asarray( [self._gamma ** i for i in range(self._n_step)], dtype=self._specs["reward"][0], ) self._episode_start = True self._cursor = 0 self._num_added = 0 self._rng = np.random.default_rng(seed=seeder.get_new_seed()) self._num_players_sharing_buffer = num_players_sharing_buffer if num_players_sharing_buffer is not None: self._episode_storage = [[] for _ in range(num_players_sharing_buffer)]
[docs] def size(self): """Returns the number of transitions stored in the buffer.""" return max( min(self._num_added, self._capacity) - self._stack_size - self._n_step + 1, 0, )
def _create_storage(self, capacity, specs): """Creates the storage buffer for each type of item in the buffer. Args: capacity: The capacity of the buffer. specs: A dictionary mapping item name to a tuple (type, shape) describing the items to be stored in the buffer. """ storage = {} for key in specs: dtype, shape = specs[key] dtype = str_to_dtype(dtype) specs[key] = dtype, shape shape = (capacity,) + tuple(shape) storage[key] = np.zeros(shape, dtype=dtype) return storage def _add_transition(self, **transition): """Internal method to add a transition to the buffer.""" for key in transition: if key in self._storage: self._storage[key][self._cursor] = transition[key] self._num_added += 1 self._cursor = (self._cursor + 1) % self._capacity def _pad_buffer(self, pad_length): """Adds padding to the buffer. Used when stack_size > 1, and padding needs to be added to the beginning of the episode. """ for _ in range(pad_length): transition = { key: np.zeros_like(self._storage[key][0]) for key in self._storage } self._add_transition(**transition)
[docs] def add(self, observation, action, reward, done, **kwargs): """Adds a transition to the buffer. The required components of a transition are given as positional arguments. The user can pass additional components to store in the buffer as kwargs as long as they were defined in the specification in the constructor. """ if self._episode_start: self._pad_buffer(self._stack_size - 1) self._episode_start = False transition = { "observation": observation, "action": action, "reward": reward, "done": done, } transition.update(kwargs) for key in self._specs: obj_type = ( transition[key].dtype if hasattr(transition[key], "dtype") else type(transition[key]) ) if not np.can_cast(obj_type, self._specs[key][0], casting="same_kind"): raise ValueError( f"Key {key} has wrong dtype. Expected {self._specs[key][0]}," f"received {type(transition[key])}." ) if self._num_players_sharing_buffer is None: self._add_transition(**transition) else: self._episode_storage[kwargs["agent_id"]].append(transition) if done: for transition in self._episode_storage[kwargs["agent_id"]]: self._add_transition(**transition) self._episode_storage[kwargs["agent_id"]] = [] if done: self._episode_start = True
def _get_from_array(self, array, indices, num_to_access=1): """Retrieves consecutive elements in the array, wrapping around if necessary. If more than 1 element is being accessed, the elements are concatenated along the first dimension. Args: array: array to access from indices: starts of ranges to access from num_to_access: how many consecutive elements to access """ full_indices = np.indices((indices.shape[0], num_to_access))[1] full_indices = (full_indices + np.expand_dims(indices, axis=1)) % ( self.size() + self._stack_size + self._n_step - 1 ) elements = array[full_indices] elements = elements.reshape(indices.shape[0], -1, *elements.shape[3:]) return elements def _get_from_storage(self, key, indices, num_to_access=1): """Gets values from storage. Args: key: The name of the component to retrieve. indices: This can be a single int or a 1D numpyp array. The indices are adjusted to fall within the current bounds of the buffer. num_to_access: how many consecutive elements to access """ if not isinstance(indices, np.ndarray): indices = np.array([indices]) if num_to_access == 0: return np.array([]) elif num_to_access == 1: return self._storage[key][ indices % (self.size() + self._stack_size + self._n_step - 1) ] else: return self._get_from_array( self._storage[key], indices, num_to_access=num_to_access ) def _sample_indices(self, batch_size): """Samples valid indices that can be used by the replay.""" indices = np.array([], dtype=np.int32) while len(indices) < batch_size: start_index = ( self._rng.integers(self.size(), size=batch_size - len(indices)) + self._cursor ) start_index = self._filter_transitions(start_index) indices = np.concatenate([indices, start_index]) return indices + self._stack_size - 1 def _filter_transitions(self, indices): """Filters invalid indices.""" if self._stack_size == 1: return indices done = self._get_from_storage("done", indices, self._stack_size - 1) done = done.astype(bool) if self._stack_size == 2: indices = indices[~done] else: indices = indices[~done.any(axis=1)] return indices
[docs] def sample(self, batch_size): """Sample transitions from the buffer. For a given transition, if it's done is True, the next_observation value should not be taken to have any meaning. Args: batch_size (int): Number of transitions to sample. """ if self._num_added < self._stack_size + self._n_step: raise ValueError("Not enough transitions added to the buffer to sample") indices = self._sample_indices(batch_size) batch = {} batch["indices"] = indices terminals = self._get_from_storage("done", indices, self._n_step) if self._n_step == 1: is_terminal = terminals trajectory_lengths = np.ones(batch_size) else: is_terminal = terminals.any(axis=1).astype(int) trajectory_lengths = ( np.argmax(terminals.astype(bool), axis=1) + 1 ) * is_terminal + self._n_step * (1 - is_terminal) trajectory_lengths = trajectory_lengths.astype(np.int64) for key in self._specs: if key == "observation": batch[key] = self._get_from_storage( "observation", indices - self._stack_size + 1, num_to_access=self._stack_size, ) elif key == "done": batch["done"] = is_terminal elif key == "reward": rewards = self._get_from_storage("reward", indices, self._n_step) if self._n_step == 1: rewards = np.expand_dims(rewards, 1) rewards = rewards * np.expand_dims(self._discount, axis=0) # Mask out rewards past trajectory length mask = np.expand_dims(trajectory_lengths, 1) > np.arange(self._n_step) rewards = np.sum(rewards * mask, axis=1) batch["reward"] = rewards else: batch[key] = self._get_from_storage(key, indices) batch["trajectory_lengths"] = trajectory_lengths batch["next_observation"] = self._get_from_storage( "observation", indices + trajectory_lengths - self._stack_size + 1, num_to_access=self._stack_size, ) return batch
[docs] def save(self, dname): """Save the replay buffer. Args: dname (str): directory where to save buffer. Should already have been created. """ storage_path = os.path.join(dname, "storage") create_folder(storage_path) for key in self._specs: os.path.join(storage_path, f"{key}"), self._storage[key], allow_pickle=False, ) state = { "episode_start": self._episode_start, "cursor": self._cursor, "num_added": self._num_added, "rng": self._rng, } with open(os.path.join(dname, "replay.pkl"), "wb") as f: pickle.dump(state, f)
[docs] def load(self, dname): """Load the replay buffer. Args: dname (str): directory where to load buffer from. """ storage_path = os.path.join(dname, "storage") for key in self._specs: self._storage[key] = np.load( os.path.join(storage_path, f"{key}.npy"), allow_pickle=False ) with open(os.path.join(dname, "replay.pkl"), "rb") as f: state = pickle.load(f) self._episode_start = state["episode_start"] self._cursor = state["cursor"] self._num_added = state["num_added"] self._rng = state["rng"]
[docs]class SimpleReplayBuffer(BaseReplayBuffer): """A simple circular replay buffers. Args: capacity (int): repaly buffer capacity compress (bool): if False, convert data to float32 otherwise keep it as int8. seed (int): Seed for a pseudo-random number generator. """ def __init__(self, capacity=1e5, compress=False, seed=42, **kwargs): self._numpy_rng = np.random.default_rng(seed) self._capacity = int(capacity) self._compress = compress self._dtype = { "observation": "int8" if self._compress else "float32", "action": "int8", "reward": "int8" if self._compress else "float32", "next_observation": "int8" if self._compress else "float32", "done": "int8" if self._compress else "float32", } self._data = {} for data_key in self._dtype: self._data[data_key] = [None] * int(capacity) self._write_index = -1 self._n = 0 self._previous_transition = None
[docs] def add(self, observation, action, reward, done, **kwargs): """ Adds transition to the buffer Args: observation: The current observation action: The action taken on the current observation reward: The reward from taking action at current observation done: If current observation was the last observation in the episode """ if self._previous_transition is not None: self._previous_transition["next_observation"] = observation self._write_index = (self._write_index + 1) % self._capacity self._n = int(min(self._capacity, self._n + 1)) for key in self._data: self._data[key][self._write_index] = np.asarray( self._previous_transition[key], dtype=self._dtype[key] ) self._previous_transition = { "observation": observation, "action": action, "reward": reward, "done": done, }
[docs] def sample(self, batch_size=32): """ sample a minibatch Args: batch_size (int): The number of examples to sample. """ if self.size() == 0: raise ValueError("Buffer does not have any transitions yet." % batch_size) indices = self._numpy_rng.integers(self._n, size=batch_size) rval = {} for key in self._data: rval[key] = np.asarray( [self._data[key][idx] for idx in indices], dtype="float32" ) return rval
[docs] def size(self): """ returns the number of transitions stored in the replay buffer """ return self._n
[docs] def save(self, dname): """ Saves buffer checkpointing information to file for future loading. Args: dname (str): directory name where agent should save all relevant info. """ create_folder(dname) sdict = {} sdict["capacity"] = self._capacity sdict["write_index"] = self._write_index sdict["n"] = self._n sdict["data"] = self._data full_name = os.path.join(dname, "meta.ckpt") with open(full_name, "wb") as f: pickle.dump(sdict, f)
[docs] def load(self, dname): """ Loads buffer from file. Args: dname (str): directory name where buffer checkpoint info is stored. Returns: True if successfully loaded the buffer. False otherwise. """ full_name = os.path.join(dname, "meta.ckpt") with open(full_name, "rb") as f: sdict = pickle.load(f) self._capacity = sdict["capacity"] self._write_index = sdict["write_index"] self._n = sdict["n"] self._data = sdict["data"]
[docs]def str_to_dtype(dtype): if isinstance(dtype, type): return dtype elif dtype.startswith("np.") or dtype.startswith("numpy."): return np.typeDict[dtype.split(".")[1]] else: type_dict = { "int": int, "float": float, "str": str, "bool": bool, } return type_dict[dtype]